Goodman Surgical Education Center
FLS & FES Testing Information
The Goodman Surgical Education Center is an official testing center for both the Fundamentals of Laproscopic Surgery (FLS) and Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery (FES) exams. We have two in-house procters for both exam types and offer 6 testing slots for each per month. You can view our testing center schedule and register for an exam on webassessor.
If the times listed on webassessor DO NOT work for you, please contact Robyn Foote,, for additional availability. Evenings may be possible depending on proctor schedules.
For testing we use the equipment seen on here, if you would like to read more about these machines please visit our facility page and open the tab Supplies & Equipment Inventory. Both machines are compliant with SAGES testing policies.
Open FLS & FES Exam Slots
Click the collapsed menu icon in the right-hand corner of the calendar to show all time slots in a day.
If you do not see the exam time on webassessor then it may already be booked.